Natural remedies for Diabetes

Effective natural remedies that control diabetes.

Diabetes is among the most debilitating of lifestyle diseases, often the precursor to many other types of health disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and chronic illnesses of the eye. Most diabetics tend to depend upon taking medications, many of which include hormone supplementation injections and drugs for controlling the sugar levels. Though these aids are often critical for managing cases where diabetes seems to have turned into an incurable condition, it is always better to seek natural cures. These natural remedies don’t put forth the kind of side-effects associated with stronger medications and can be resourced from our everyday supplies.

Using Methi Seeds: Fenugreek or Methi seeds are considered the most effective of natural cures that can help alleviate typical symptoms of diabetes. Methi seeds should be soaked in water overnight. The water concentrated with the seeds’ juices should be consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach. For making this natural concoction stronger, you can crush the seeds and sieve them through a cloth or filter paper.

Using Natural Juices: Some juices have been found to be effective in controlling high sugar levels that can prove fatal for diabetics. These are juices of fruits and vegetables that are further enriched with antioxidants and many rare micronutrients. The most recommended variety here is the Bitter Gourd or Karela juice. Other options include grape juice or the juice-like extract made from boiling mango leaves in water.

Aloe Gel Remedy: An effective, natural concoction for diabetes can be prepared by adding a few teaspoons of ground Bay Leaf (Tejpatra) with one teaspoon of turmeric. This mixture should be mixed with an equal amount of aloe vera gel and consumed daily, before lunch and dinner.

Using Chapattis to Your Advantage: Another useful way of managing diabetes is increasing the daily intake of fiber in the natural form. This includes increasing the fiber content in chappatis that tend to be eaten with regularity in Indian homes. The refined flour should be mixed with a combination of flours procured from different cereals, particularly those high in soluble fiber. This includes flours of barley and lentils like Chana Dal and soya bean.

Using Jarul or Banaba: Diabetics can use Banaba or Jarul plant extract. Banaba is among the lesser known of herbal plants in India. Along with India, it is grown in only a handful of other nations. The herbal powder of Banaba extract can be used to make herbal tea. This plant contains high concentrations of contains Corosolic acid—the most potent of biochemical compounds that stimulate faster glucose metabolism and help to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels that is very useful for combating diabetes.

Jamun: Jamun is one of the rarest plants where nearly each part, the leaves, berry and seeds are known to help in controlling blood sugar levels. Neem leaves are useful in a similar manner. Amla or the Indian goose Berry is similarly effective in managing sugar levels. Instead of using only Neem leaves, you can also add leaves of Tulsi and Bel Patra. All these leaves can be boiled together for increasing the potency of the filtered extract.

Rediscover lost time in Egypt

Egypt, more ancient than the written word, is a fascinating destination where tradition and modernity hobnob in daily life on the streets. SVETLANA BAGHAWAN leads us on a trail though the modern sights of this ancient land.

SVETLANA BAGHAWAN worked for 13 years as a flight attendant, a job that gave her the opportunity to travel and explore places close to her heart and of her dreams. Now blessed with a four-year-old daughter, she runs a beauty salon and spa in Kolkata but her restless traveler's spirit never leaves her alone. Thanks to her supportive husband and family, she backpacks as a single woman traveler all over the world at least four times a year, mostly with her four-year-old budding traveler in tow.

                                        A Luxor sunset

Goodbye at Edfu temple

From the steps of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world - the Alexandria Library

                            Hurghada by the Red Sea

On the way to Queen Hatshepshut's temple in the Valley of the Kings

                          Roman Amphitheatre at Alexandria

On the way to Queen Hatshepshut's temple in the Valley of the Kings

Proud Ramses II at Luxor Temple

Queen Hatshepshut's Temple in the Valley of the Kings

Quitbay's Castle by the Mediterranean Sea at Alexandria

              Sailing down the timeless blue water of the Nile

The Phillae temple smiles at the sun

Belly-dancing shows on the Nile Cruise

The Egyptian treasure house at the Cairo National Museum -- a national monument in itself

Health Tips for Busy Moms

Motherhood – arguably the most challenging, stressful, fulfilling, frustrating, thankless, glorious and important job in the world! And like any other job, a mom needs to be in top shape to give the best to her work. So along with looking after the well-being of everyone else in the family, don’t forget to ensure that you are healthy and happy as well.

Make yourself a priority. You’ve probably heard this repeated a lot. And yet most moms continue to keep putting themselves last on their to-do lists. Be it relaxing, eating, exercising or socialising, it’s important to make time for yourself. After all, only when you’re physically and mentally healthy can you give your best to your family.

Exercising tips. Regular exercise is important, there’s no argument there. However taking the time to exercise can be difficult for a busy mom.
(i) One tip is to set a specific, achievable goal for yourself. For instance, you may decide that you want to walk for half-an-hour 4 times a week. Now you have a set goal that’s also very achievable.
(ii) Another tip is to exercise whilst doing something else. (All you multi-tasking moms will like this!)  So if you’ve taken your child for a karate class, don’t just wait in the lobby. Use this half an hour to take a power walk in the street or in a park close by.

Food and you. Most moms have a less-than-ideal relationship with food and with all that effort they put into feeding their kids, they either eat too little or too much.
(i) One rule you absolutely must follow is to never finish up the food your child has left. Eating the food left over on your child’s plate is a very common phenomenon and this leads to the mom eating double and gaining unnecessary weight.
(ii) Mornings are an especially busy time with breakfast being cooked and lunch boxes being packed and often mothers end up skipping breakfast themselves. Make sure you sit down and eat a healthy breakfast; you could even pack it and carry it to work if that’s easier, but do not miss breakfast.
(iii) When it’s time to feed your child dinner at the end of a long day, it’s a good idea to finish your meal first. Trying to feed a fussy child on an empty stomach will only make you irritable and impatient. Eat first and you’ll find you’re way more patient and energetic to tackle any challenges the dining table may throw up.

Sleep time. Just because you’re a mother now doesn’t mean you need less than 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Prioritise and cut out some activities if you must, just do whatever it takes to get the required amount of sleep.

Moms and stress. Stress is inevitable, but there are ways you can minimise it.
(i) One tip is to keep expectations reasonable. Your child comes with his or her own set of talents and strengths. Do not expect unreasonable feats from your kids.
(ii) Never compare your kids with others. It doesn’t matter if your sister-in-law’s daughter started walking 17 days before your own! Your child has qualities that she doesn’t and it’s best not to get into any comparisons.
(iii) Quit the guilt. It’s OK to make mistakes. Everybody does! Don’t waste precious moments with your child feeling guilty about what you did or didn’t do. Just do the best you can and shower your kids with love.

Ask for help. They say it takes a village to raise a child. What that means is that you cannot do it solely on your own, and there’s no shame in getting help. Involve your husband, your mother, your neighbour, your nanny; nobody will think any less of you and you will be a happier, healthier woman through it all.

The supermom myth. Any mom will tell you – you cannot do everything. So stop worrying about trying to bring up children, while keeping a perfect house, having a successful career, looking like a supermodel, cooking like a pro and doing everything you used to before you had your child. It’s OK to have that pile of newspapers in the corner. You’ll get to it when you can.

Take a break from being a mom. Every once in a while it’s essential to take a break from kids and diapers and school admissions and homework. Call up a friend or go out and have an adult conversation. Discuss politics or fashion or indulge in a good old gossip session. You’ll feel rejuvenated and look forward to going back home to the kids.

Physical pampering is important. A day at the spa or beauty salon does a lot to revive a tired mom’s spirits. You get a break, look better and it takes your mind off the stress of parenting.

Enjoy motherhood. It’s a great time full of challenges and triumphs and the most important thing is to enjoy it. All moms will tell you that it goes by really fast and when you look back at this time, you should remember all the laugher and fun you had.

7 easy ways to beat wrinkles

If you think how well you age is all down to your genes, think again; there are actually many things you can do to help ward off wrinkles. To help keep your skin youthful and supple, check out these 7 ways to beat wrinkles and premature ageing.

The area around your eyes can be one of the first places to display signs of ageing such as fine lines and crow’s feet, and these can be exacerbated by unconscious frowning or squinting caused by poor eyesight. If you find yourself regularly squinting to see better, it is important for both your health and appearance to get your eyes checked and invest in some glasses or contact lenses if required.

To help ward off wrinkles, try to eat a diet full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep skin supple and nourished from within, preventing dehydration and dryness, while antioxidants help fight against the free radicals that cause wrinkles. Good foods to stock up on include oily fish, flax seeds and antioxidant-rich berries. Spinach is also a good source of lutein, which recent research has shown can prevent wrinkles by helping to retain the skin's moisture and elasticity, increasing lipid levels and preventing damage caused by free radicals.

In order to keep your skin supple and smooth, it is essential to keep it hydrated both inside and out. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, and eat foods such as fruit and vegetables which have a high water content. To moisturise the skin from the outside, use a moisturiser suitable for your skin type or hydrating oils such as vitamin E, avocado or almond oil. Also, it may be worth getting a humidifier to counteract the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning

You might not think that your state of mind has much to do with the state of your appearance, but this is not the case. In fact, a study has shown that chronic stress can actually accelerate cellular ageing, leading to wrinkles. To help keep your skin wrinkle-free, try experimenting with some stress-busting techniques to help cope with stressful situations, such as meditation, exercise or yoga.

While the majority of premature ageing is caused by sun exposure, poor diets can also be to blame for wrinkles. Sugar is a staple of many people’s diets, yet is also a leading cause of skin ageing. When blood sugar levels are high a process called glycation occurs which damages the collagen in your skin. Once damaged, the collagen hardens, leading to wrinkles and sagging. To keep skin firm and smooth, make sure you check the sugar content of products and cut down on sugary foods.

Premature ageing is often seen as unavoidable and a natural part of getting older; however, up to 90 per cent of the visible signs of ageing are caused by the sun, even though they may not show up until years after sun exposure has occurred. To help avoid premature ageing, wear an SPF of at least factor 15 every day (even on cloudy days as UV rays can penetrate clouds) and switch to a higher SPF when the sun is at its strongest.

Smoking is not only notoriously bad for our health and a major cause of cancer and heart disease, it can also be disastrous for your appearance. Cigarette smoke can irritate the skin and deprive it of oxygen and nutrients, while the act of smoking can cause wrinkles to appear around the mouth. If you are a smoker, one of the best things you can do for your appearance and health is to try to break the habit now.

Miss India 2012: Who will win this time?

The countdown begins as Pantaloons Femina Miss India; one of the oldest and most awaited beauty pageants is back with a bang! Here's a round-up of the event.

The countdown begins as Pantaloons Femina Miss India; one of the oldest and most awaited beauty pageants is back with a bang!

20 hopefuls from around the country are vying for the crown of the country's most prestigious pageant.

The 49th edition of Pantaloons Femina Miss India 2012 will be held on 29th March.

The contest has also been a platform for many of the Bollywood celebrities. Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra, Lara Dutta ,Sushmita Sen and Celina Jaitley walked the ramp and were proud winners of the title.

Here are the names of this year’s finalists: Purva Rana, Aasttha Ssidana, Nikita Dutta, Sukalpa Das, Sonampreet Bajwa, Sneha Upadhyay, Priyanka Verma, Ipsita Pati, Farah Hussain, Karuna Dogra, Sana Khan, Ruhi Singh, Rochelle Maria Rao, Sonam Pachey, Prachi Mishra, Vanya Mishra, Himakshi Agarwala, Erica Fernandez, Shamata Anchan and Vidhi Bhardwaj.

The 20 finalists had quite a travel itinerary lined up for them.

To kick-start their month-long residential grooming, the girls were allowed to relax amidst the sun and sand at the Carnoustie Beach Resort & Ayurveda Spa in Allepey, Kerala.

They were also engaged in activities like Primobom and partying at Goa’s most happening night club.

Early morning work-out sessions coupled with strict diet and lifestyle changes was what the girls had to undergo to look fit and fab on the ramp.

In addition to this, they also had a stellar panel of experts to help bring out the best in the 20 gorgeous finalists.

 Among the many treats the finalists, are looking forward to, traveling to mind blowing locales, posing for celebrity photographers and flaunting gowns designed by biggies in the industry will truly be a dream come true for any woman.

 To wrap up their travels, the pageant returns to Mumbai on March 29th for the grand finale.

Raakesh Agarvwal, one of the most renowned red carpet designers is all set to make the finalists look like Hollywood starlets in the grand finale.

Finalists pose for renowned photographers. 

Finalists pose for renowned photographers.

 Miss India finalists walk the ramp.

Miss India finalists walk the ramp. 

Miss India finalists walk the ramp. 

 This was the list of Pantaloons Femina Miss India finalists.

Now, keep your fingers crossed and watch out for the grand finale!