Sunstroke: Prevention and Prevalence

Don’t fall prey to the unrelenting Indian summer heat. Take these precautions and keep yourself and your loved ones safe from sunstroke.

What is sunstroke?
Sunstroke is a severe form of heat stroke, which if not treated quickly, can endanger life. It occurs when the body is unable to regulate its temperature due to exposure to excessive heat. Much like a thermostat, our body has a mechanism to control the temperature. This heat regulating system helps the body stay cool in summer and warm in winters. The body perspires in summers to stay cool.

Dehydration can lead to sunstroke. The body loses water to excessive perspiration and if this is not replenished the body takes up water from the blood stream. This has an impact on the heart and brain. Sunstroke has to be treated as a medical emergency. Dehydration can also lead to other complications like difficulty in passing urine, burning sensation and urinary tract infections.

Prevalence of sunstroke in India
With global temperatures rising, Indian summers are taking a heavy toll of life. Temperatures are reaching as high as 48-50 degrees in places like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, parts of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. Heat wave conditions are an everyday reality in peak season.
Those unable to withstand such high temperatures immediately fall prey to it. Young children and elderly people are high-risk groups that need to stay protected during the peak of summer.

 Symptoms of sunstroke include
Rapid pulse rate
High fever
Rise in body temperature

 Treatment of sunstroke
Identify the symptoms as early as possible and treat the condition like an emergency. Try to lower the body temperature by using ice packs on the head and covering the body with wet towels. Give fluids to the patient – electrolyte fluids or fresh lime or coconut water are recommended. In severe cases IV fluids may be required.
In case of fits and seizures rush the patient to a hospital.

Prevention of sunstroke
Schools switch to summer timings after exams but you still need to take care that on the way back children do not linger about in the sun to play and get back home quickly.
Adults should try to avoid going out in the heat between noon and 3pm.
The elderly at home should be made to drink water at intervals even if they are not thirsty. As the constitution is weak in old age the body can still develop heat stroke conditions even while at home in front of the cooler.
Wearing loose fitting, light cotton clothes is a good idea.
Keep plenty of cool drinking water available for everyone.
Avoid excessive physical activity in the mid day. Workouts and practices should be completed in the cool early morning hours.